Project participants registered for this activity were di-vided into international groups using the Random Group Generator. The groups created in this way were assigned a Discord channel where group members communicated, being monitored by teachers coordinating the activity. The material assigned to the work was analyzed by the students. Then, the students developed a common point of view on the hypothetical ending of a mysterious story from centuries ago. Based on in-depth analysis of source materials, students proved their point of view and pre-sented it as teams at the December online meeting through presentations. Meeting participants voted using Poll-maker to choose the ending of the story that was most suitable for them. 

Goal: developing students' language skills, expanding students' digital competences, integrating the student community into an international partner group.

Princes in the Tower refers to the apparent murder of King Edward V of England, who was deposed in the 1480s, and Richard of Shrewsbury, Duke of York. It is unclear what happened to the children after they were last seen in the tower. It is often assumed that they were killed; A common hypothesis is that they were killed by Richard in an attempt to secure his control of the throne.

For the mystery in this story, DREAM students worked in international teams and prepared presentations. They shared these presentations with their other friends at the ZOOM meeting and voted to decide which team wrote a more convincing ending.


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